中国整体芳香疗法论坛== 神秘的芳香疗法 - 自然魔法学苑 == 探索芳香疗法的世界 → 四种空气清新精油配方(国外配方)



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四种空气清新精油配方(国外配方)  发帖心情 Post By:2003-4-16 18:37:31 [只看该作者]

材料: 4盎斯容量大小,含有细雾设定的喷雾器。(不要使用先前是装清洁及洗发用品的瓶子) 滴入30至40滴你自己喜欢的精油或精油复方,也要注意到某些精油的使用禁忌,以保持安全。加入1.5盎斯的蒸馏水及1.5盎斯的高纯度酒精(伏特加是一个满适合的选择,注意不要用工业用酒精-甲醇)或者就只加入3盎斯的蒸馏水。 下面是一些精油复方,供您参考: 一、 20d 莱姆(Lime) 14d 佛手柑 (Bergamont) 4d 依兰 (Ylang Ylang ) 2d 玫瑰 (Rose) 二、 15d 快乐鼠尾草 (Clary Sage) 9d 柠檬 (Lemon) 6d 熏衣草 (Lavender) 三、 20d 迷迭香 (Rosemary) 8d 葡萄柚 (Grapefruit) 4d 薄荷 (Peppermint) 2d 绿薄荷 (Spearmint) 四、 5d 佛手柑 (Bergamont) 5d 绿薄荷 (Spearmint) 当你使用这些精油当空气清新剂时,一定要留心精油的禁忌及考虑到会进到这个屋子接触到这些配方的人。 使用方法: 将喷洒器装满1.5盎斯的蒸馏水及1.5盎斯的酒精或只装4盎斯的蒸馏水(仅管我们建议4盎容量的瓶子,但是不要装到满满的,留个1盎斯的空间,以便在使用前可以摇一摇,使其充份混合)。然后加入30~40滴的复方精油。这些精油的效力是非常强的,如果你有家人对这些气味非常敏感的话,在第一次使用时最好只加入20滴的量。每一次使用前先摇一摇,在决定这样的气味是否太弱之前把它静置一天;因为静置一段时间后,气味会改变。用的时候,轻轻地喷。要小心不要让这些油气掉落在家俱上或掉进饮料中。


芳香疗法 - 藉由沉浸在精油的芳香之中


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等级:超级版主 帖子:10779 积分:21051 威望:0 精华:97 注册:2003-3-19 20:51:24
  发帖心情 Post By:2003-4-16 18:38:04 [只看该作者]

Air Freshener Ingredients: 4 oz. clean spray bottle with a fine mist setting (do not use a bottle that previously contained cleaning products or hair products such as hair spray). 30-40 drops of your favorite essential oil or essential oil blend keeping the safety data of the chosen essential oil(s) in mind 1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of high-proof alcohol (vodka is suitable, rubbing alcohol is not) or 3 ounces of distilled water. Example blends of essential oils that may be used: 20 drops lime 14 drops bergamot 4 drops ylang ylang 2 drops rose 15 drops clary sage 9 drops lemon 6 drops lavende 20 drops rosemary 8 drops grapefruit 4 drops peppermint 2 drops spearmint (optional) 5 drops bergamot 5 drops spearmint Be sure and take heed in the safety data for the oil(s) you choose to use since an air freshener, by its nature, will come in contact with all those in your household. Directions: Fill the spray bottle with the choice of either 1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of alcohol or 4 ounces of distilled water. (Even though a 4 oz. bottle is suggested, leave about 1 oz. unfilled so you can shake the bottle well between uses.) Then, add 30-40 drops of essential oil. Essential oils can very in strength. You may want to try 20 drops at first especially if you live in a household with someone who is sensitive to strong aromas. Shake the bottle prior to each use, and let it sit for about a day before making a conclusion that the aroma is too weak; the aroma can change after the air freshener has had time to sit. Mist lightly in the room. Be especially careful not to allow the air freshener mist fall onto furniture or into open beverages.


芳香疗法 - 藉由沉浸在精油的芳香之中


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等级:超级版主 帖子:10779 积分:21051 威望:0 精华:97 注册:2003-3-19 20:51:24
  发帖心情 Post By:2003-4-16 20:04:34 [只看该作者]

我测试了第一种: 一、 20d 莱姆(Lime) 14d 佛手柑 (Bergamont) 4d 依兰 (Ylang Ylang ) 2d 玫瑰 (Rose) 感觉不错,颇有国际“香型”的味道 大家不要误会,我说的国际是指植物的味道,你会感觉这个配方有浓厚的植物味道 有些大自然的感觉,真的很喜欢...


芳香疗法 - 藉由沉浸在精油的芳香之中


  4楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

加好友 发短信 芳香自然
等级:超级版主 帖子:10779 积分:21051 威望:0 精华:97 注册:2003-3-19 20:51:24
  发帖心情 Post By:2003-4-16 22:19:30 [只看该作者]

1盎司=30毫升 (≈28克) 大家注意哦,哈哈哈


芳香疗法 - 藉由沉浸在精油的芳香之中

