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国外的单方精油说明  发帖心情 Post By:2003-6-9 19:33:59 [只看该作者]

Anise, star (Illicium verum) The essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the fresh, green, star shaped fruits of the East Asian tree. The oil has a liquorice-like aroma, similar to aniseed and blends well with other spice oils, lavender, pine, orange and rosewood. Although the perfume and properties of aniseed and anise are almost the same, the two oils aren't related and star aniseed is a much safer oil to use. However, it needs to be treated with great care and shouldn't be used for a total body massage as in large doses it is narcotic and also slows the circulation. Uses It is a useful oil for adding to inhalations and/or massage blends at 0.5% (2 drops in 1 tablespoon carrier oil) to treat respiratory complaints where there is a mucus problem such as during bronchitis, sinusitis and colds. Very helpful for easing problems of the digestive system when a fomentation using 3 drops of star anise will quickly dispel flatulence and ease the pains of indigestion and colic. It eases constipation by encouraging a stronger action on the bowel. There is a warming action that could help with pain such as rheumatism and lumbago - two complaints that are aggravated by the cold. Caution Not to be used over the whole body; in large percentages or for extended periods as it is a narcotic and slows down the circulation. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Spring and summer arrive and once again it's time for tomato salads, redolent and mouth watering with the taste and sweetly spicy aroma of fresh sweet basil. Which of us is not familiar with this lovely herb. The flowering tops and leaves are distilled to produce the oil, which blends well with bergamot, geranium and hyssop. The Latin name for basil is derived from the Greek word for a king and, as a king, this powerful oil must be treated with respect for it is very powerful, 2 drops in 2 tablespoons of a blend will be enough. Uses The tonic and antiseptic properties of basil are helpful for treating such skin problems as acne, abrasions and sluggish, congested skin. It is a very good hair tonic when blended with oils such as rosemary, lavender and jojoba. Basil oil is a popular choice for blends to treat respiratory problems such as bronchitis, colds and influenza; it can be incorporated with other oils in blends for inhalations, massages and baths. Included in blends with maybe lavender, marjoram and black pepper it makes an excellent massage/bath oil for overworked muscles and muscular aches and pains. This is a most excellent oil for the brain, stimulating the intellect, clearing the mind and aiding concentration. Use it for easing headaches and migraine. Basil reaches into our conscious mind to help us to choose the right path or make the right decision. Lifts depression, eases hysteria, insomnia and anxiety. Gives endurance and stamina Caution Never use basil internally. Use only 0.5% in blends used externally. Never use during pregnancy. Benzoin (Styrax benzoin) Benzoin blends well with spice oils, bergamot, cypress, juniper, lavender, myrrh, petitgrain and sandalwood. Uses Benzoin oil helps to destroy bacterial and fungal infections of the skin, reduces inflammation and is an anti - oxidant. It is useful in blends to heal skin irritations, ease itching (such as that experienced from pruritis and dermatitis) and excellent when added to creams to soothe and soften cracked, dry skin work - worn skin making it more pliable. It contracts and tones tissue stops external bleeding, helps to heal wounds and reduces body odour. I use it in when making ointments, creams and lotions both for its healing and preservative action and also in perfumes for its fixative properties. Benzoin is a warming oil and this, combined with its tonic and mucus loosening properties gives it a very old reputation for helping with respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, coughs, chills, colds and laryngitis. The warming properties are helpful for arthritis, gout, poor circulation and rheumatism. It increases the flow of urine, which makes it a good remedy for problems such as cystitis and infected urinary tract. This oil gently but powerfully works its way through to our subconscious to release hidden resistances and tensions and reveal new aspects of our natures. It comforts and eases our conscious mind when we are grief - stricken, lonely, stressed or mentally exhausted. Benzoin is a communicator and will help you to connect with people in difficult or uncomfortable situations. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) A delicate little tree grown mainly in southern Italy that bears small round fruits similar in appearance to oranges but having a pear - shape. Oil of bergamot is expressed from the skin of the fruit just before it ripens and it is this essential oil that imparts the unusual flavour to Earl Grey tea. The perfume is a delicious combination of citrus and floral aromas and blends well with cypress, geranium, lavender, lemon, neroli, palmarosa, patchouli, ylang ylang. The oil is useful as a fixative in cosmetic preparations and perfumes and is the most important ingredient in eau - de - cologne. Bergamot should not be confused with the herb Bergamot (Monarda didyma). Uses A most excellent oil to treat most skin complaints such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, varicose ulcers and seborrhoea of the skin and scalp. Bergamot oil eases pain by numbing nerves, is antifungal, aids in wound healing and helps to clear infections of the skin. Eases skin irritations and softens cracked, dry skin. Added to deodorant blends it reduces body odour and is also a very good insect repellent. Used in inhalations and chest rubs the antiseptic action helps with infections of the respiratory system easing the symptoms of bronchitis, coughs, chills, colds and laryngitis. One of the most important oils to use in air sprays, oil burners and bath and massage blends to treat tension, anxiety and depression as it has powerful uplifting and relaxing properties. Caution Can cause irritation if used on a sensitive skin, use only 1 - 2 per cent in blends. Phototoxic, do not use on exposed skin during long exposure to sunlight. Black pepper (Piper nigrum) The perfume is warm, spicy and familiar and blends with basil, bergamot, cypress, frankincense, geranium, citrus oils, palmarosa, sandalwood and ylang-ylang. It is often used in tiny amounts in perfumery to add a warm, deep and spicy note. Uses Black pepper oil is one of the important oils for treatment of muscular problems. Used in a massage oil prior to sport (particularly for runners, dancers etc) it can reduce the strain on muscles by increasing the blood flow to the area. In small amounts in bath and massage blends it may be used to ease arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, sprains, strains, poor muscle tone, muscular stiffness, neuralgia, chilblains and poor circulation. It eases pain by numbing nerves and kills bacteria. Black pepper oil may be used in small amounts (3 drops only) in baths to increase perspiration and cool and reduce fever during chills, colds and influenza. It strengthens the immune system and helps to avoid viral infections. This oil warms a cold heart and gives courage and stamina in adversity. Caution Use in moderation to avoid the possibility of skin irritation. Cedarwood, Atlas (Cedrus atlantica) The oil is steam distilled from the leaves and sawdust and has a warm, sweet and woody perfume a little similar to sandalwood. The oil blends well with benzoin, bergamot, cypress, frankincense, juniper, lavender, lemon and rosemary. The oil named 'White cedar' should not be confused with Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) which is the correct aromatherapy oil to use. Uses Cedarwood oil kills bacteria, prevents or destroys fungal infections, is insecticidal and mildly astringent. These properties make it an excellent oil for adding to oil blends, steams and masks to treat a variety of complaints such as acne, eczema, dermatitis, fungal infections, ulcers and psoriasis. It contracts and tones tissue and is a useful treatment for oily skin and because of its antiseptic and astringent properties is a lovely oil to use in aftershaves and other preparations for men who seem to appreciate its rather masculine perfume. Nice to use in personal insect repellent blends. Cedarwood oil is a circulatory stimulant and strengthens the bodily systems. Include this oil in massage and bath blends for easing arthritis and chronic rheumatism. It is well known for its ability to treat urinary tract infections as it is a strong antiseptic and also increases the flow of urine. A powerful bronchial tract antiseptic and decongestant, it helps to loosen and remove mucus during attacks of bronchitis, coughs, colds, influenza and other congestive conditions. Cedarwood soothes the nervously over-excitable and softens and mellows those with selfish, unyielding, stiff-necked attitudes. It allows us to release mental strain and stress. Gently soothes and aids those with depression and insomnia caused by stress-related problems. Caution Not to be used at all during pregnancy. Cedarwood essential oil may be an irritant to some sensitive skins. Chamomile (Anthemis nobile) Roman chamomile: Chamaemelum nobile syn. Anthemis nobilis. German chamomile: Matricaria recutita syn. Matricaria chamomilla. The botanical name Chamaemelum comes from Greek meaning 'earth apple' and the perfume of chamomile oil is refreshing, pleasant and remarkably apple - like. The appearance and properties of these two chamomiles are very similar and the essential oil distilled from the flowers of both varieties contains chamazulene (a powerful anti - inflammatory agent). German chamomile oil is a darker blue and contains a little more chamazulene than does Roman chamomile. The blue coloration of Roman chamomile oil becomes yellow with aging. Chamomile is an expensive oil, substitution with lavender will give some of the same effect but is not as effective at easing dull aching pain. It blends well with geranium, lavender, patchouli and rose. Uses Chamomile is an essential oil with applications for most skin problems. It prevents or destroys fungal infections, kills bacteria, reduces inflammation, promotes the formation of scar tissue and is widely used to treat most skin complaints such as acne, allergies, burns, blisters, cold sores, dermatitis, eczema, inflammations, insect bites, burns, cuts and boils. The oil softens and soothes tight, dry and itchy skin. In baths, creams or lotions the anti-allergenic properties of chamomile oil will benefit those of you who suffer from allergic skin reactions such as dermatitis, hives and eczema etc but remember that these reactions are only symptoms and it's important to find the cause. When used as directed this is a safe and gentle oil for babies and children. It eases colic, the pain of teething and soothes restlessness and 'miseries'. A popular oil for treating problems connected with the reproductive system as it encourages and regulates menstrual flow, regulates irregular and painful periods. The calming effect helps to calm the irritability felt during menopause and PMS. It soothes the nervously over-excitable, relieves mental strain and stress, depression and insomnia. Caution On some people chamomile essential oil may irritate the skin. Avoid using chamomile during the first four months of pregnancy. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) Only the oil from the leaf must be used, see Caution below. The perfume is fragrant and spicy with a similarity to melissa and blends well with benzoin, frankincense, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, mandarin, orange, pine, rosemary, thyme and ylang-ylang. Uses Insect bites, head lice, scabies, warts and wasp stings all seem to respond to treatment with cinnamon oil. It is mildly astringent and with its spicy perfume it would be especially appealing in soaps and after-shave preparations for men. This ancient remedy has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide range of complaints. Cinnamon is very strongly insecticidal, antiseptic, resists viruses and kills bacteria. It is also reputed to be an antidote to poisons. The antiseptic, warming and tonic effect is useful when treating respiratory and immune system complaints such as chills, colds and influenza. The stimulant action increases energy and quickens the function of the glandular system, the circulatory and the respiratory systems indicating its usefulness in poor circulation, breathlessness, scanty periods (helps to encourage and regulate menstrual flow) and period pains. It promotes appetite and helps digestion so could be useful in bath and massage blends to treat anorexia, colitis, nausea, flatulence and diarrhoea. It increases awareness of spirituality and eases stress related weak and exhausted conditions. Caution Use only cinnamon leaf oil as the oil from the bark or bud may cause a severe skin reaction. Do not use in large quantities - no more than 0.5 per cent in blends. Don't use cinnamon essential oil neat on your skin as it may irritate. Do not use cinnamon essential oil during pregnancy. Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) Cypress is distilled from leaves, twigs and needles. The perfume is clean and woody and blends well with juniper, lavender, pine, rosemary and sandalwood. Uses Cypress is a tonic and sebum balancer for oily skin. It tones tissue and causes small blood vessels to contract helping to reduce the appearance of broken capillaries. A good wound oil as it stops or reduces external bleeding. Add to deodorant and insect repellent blends. Use in a mouthwash for pyorrhoea. An excellent choice for inclusion in aftershaves, both for its astringent action and its woody, masculine smell. An inhalation and chest rub will help the spasms of asthma, coughs, bronchitis, and whooping cough. The strongly astringent and circulatory tonic properties of cypress will be of value wherever there is an excess of fluid and/or poor circulation such as in oedema, heavy sweating, haemorrhoids, vomiting or heavy periods. The astringency also helps in the treatment of pyorrhoea. Cold compresses will help to soothe and reduce haemorrhoids and varicose veins. Cypress is very helpful with problems of the reproductive system and in particular with menstrual and menopausal problems. It removes excess liquid from the body so reducing oedema. By increasing the flow of urine it can ease the symptoms of cystitis and urethritis. Cypress reduces stress and tension and calms the nervous system. It eases the pain of loss or separation from loved ones and allows us to 'let go' with love. Lightens the burden of gloominess and introspection.


芳香疗法 - 藉由沉浸在精油的芳香之中


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加好友 发短信 芳香自然
等级:超级版主 帖子:10779 积分:21051 威望:0 精华:97 注册:2003-3-19 20:51:24
  发帖心情 Post By:2003-6-9 19:34:14 [只看该作者]

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) Eucalyptus is one of the most powerful natural antiseptic oils. The oils of several other varieties of eucalyptus are used, notably E. Radiata that has a softer aroma that E. globulus and the Lemon - scented Eucalyptus E. Maculata and E. Citriodora and Peppermint Eucalyptus E. dives var. Type; the latter two so called because of their aroma. The essential oil is distilled principally from the fresh leaves and twigs of the Tasmanian blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) - the well loved, tall and handsome 'blue gum' - and has a clean, camphoric and cleansing perfume that blends well with lavender, rosemary and pine. Uses Eucalyptus oil is used in the treatment of burns, blisters, cuts, herpes, wounds and sores as it prevents bacterial growth, inhibits the growth of viruses in the damaged tissue and eases pain by numbing nerves. It is one of the best oils to use in blends to kill head lice, ease insect bites and act as an insect repellent. It is used in low concentrations in creams for cold sores and genital herpes. Added to baths and massage oils or creams it will ease the pains of sore muscles, aches and pains, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Eucalyptus has always been known and respected for its ability to lower temperature and help the respiratory tract by loosening and removing mucus during attacks of bronchitis, coughs, influenza, sinusitis and throat infections. Added to a footbath it is a prime remedy to help to lower the temperature during feverish attacks. If used in inhalations and air sprays during outbreaks of disease such as above or chickenpox, measles etc., the antiviral and antibacterial action of eucalyptus oil will deter further growth of the bacteria or viruses. At the same time it will also have the effect of giving some protection to other members of the family. Used in an air spray its antibacterial and antiviral properties will help to prevent the spread of epidemics and diseases. The other useful and interesting property of eucalyptus oil is that it removes many stains and grease marks from clothes. A brain cleanser. Crystallizes the mind like a gust of rain and wind cleansing the dust from the trees in the forest aiding concentration. Caution Those who suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy should avoid eucalyptus oil. It shouldn't be stored next to or used in conjunction with homeopathic remedies as it might act as an antidote. Garlic (Allium sativum) The essential oil is distilled from the garlic bulb. Uses Garlic prevents or destroys fungal infections and is powerfully insecticidal making it useful in garden sprays to repel insect pests and for pets to repel fleas. The oil can be helpful when dabbed on ringworm, spots and pimples. It inhibits the growth of viruses and kills bacteria helping to prevent viral and bacterial diseases and combating infection in the body. Use for all infections of the respiratory tract where in addition to its anti bacterial and antiviral properties it will act as a decongestant, loosening and removing mucus. Of great benefit to the digestive system where it stimulates bile production, tones the entire system, relieves cramps, spasms and gas in the intestines, counteracts the effects of a poison or overindulgence in food. Used regularly in food or in capsule form garlic can act in a preventative measure to ward off many ailments (both minor and major) as, in addition to its other properties it has the capacity to strengthen the body systems. The antibiotic action is such that it doesn't destroy the beneficial flora in the intestine. Caution Garlic may irritate the stomach in sensitive persons or the very young. Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens, Pelargonium odoratissimum) Geranium essential oil with its languorous and feminine aroma is widely used in the perfume industry. It blends well with most other oils and harmonises and balances other scents. Uses Geranium encourages speedy healing, can help to stop bleeding and is an antiseptic, which makes it a valuable oil to use for wounds and cuts. Use it also to treat acne, bruises, burns, scalds (minor), dermatitis, eczema, ulcers and haemorrhoids. A good skincare oil for all skin types as it balances sebum (the fatty secretion in the sebaceous glands that helps to keep skin supple) production and stimulates both dry and oily, sluggish skin. Known by some as the 'woman's oil' because of regulatory action on the hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex. This makes it an appropriate and valuable remedy for problems caused by a fluctuating hormone balance these include engorged breasts, menopausal problems and PMS. The gentle bringer of grace and harmony. An uplifting and calming perfume that is particularly useful for women. It also helps to ease depression and nervous tension for those moving through menopause. Caution Patch test geranium essential oil before using on sensitive skin. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) The essential oil distilled from the root. The perfume is rich and spicy and blends well with lavender, lemon, orange and petitgrain. Uses Ginger tones the digestive system and stimulates the production of gastric juices. It increases appetite, aids digestion and relieves cramps and spasms in the intestines and uterus. It will help to ease diarrhoea, colic and flatulence. It calms a queasy stomach such as morning sickness and is the best remedy for travel sickness when taken in powder or capsule form an hour before you travel and every half - hour during the journey. Sniffing the oil while travelling will help also. The pain relieving and warming properties of ginger make it a good choice in blends to treat arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, sprains and strains. It should be used in no more than 1.0 per cent - 1.5 per cent in fomentations, massage creams and massage oils. Catarrh, chills, colds, coughs, fever, influenza, sinusitis and sore throat are all helped by ginger oil. It reduces fever by increasing sweating. This oil builds physical courage and confidence in ones capabilities to survive. Creates a store of vibrant energy that dispels nervous exhaustion. Caution Patch test before using on sensitive skin. Grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi) The distilled oil is considered inferior to that which is expressed from the peel of fresh ripe grapefruit, The perfume of the expressed oil is a fresh sweet citrus aroma and blends well with basil, bergamot, cedarwood, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, palmarosa, rosewood and ylang-ylang. Unlike the other citrus oils, grapefruit is not a photosensitiser and may be substituted for other citrus oils in skincare preparations if the skin will be exposed to sunlight. However, grapefruit oil oxidizes quickly and so should be bought in very small amounts and used within a short time. Uses Grapefruit oil contracts and tones tissue and is a useful oil in blends for oily skin and acne. An excellent oil for a bath or shower blend to relieve travel fatigue and jet lag. Has a cleansing effect on the kidneys, liver and gall bladder and also on the lymphatic system. This in turn helps to rid the body of excess toxins. Improves mental clarity and memory. A happy oil that lifts lethargy and depression and eases nervous exhaustion. Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) Jasmine essential oil, sometimes called the 'king of the oils,' is one of the most expensive as the extraction is lengthy (having several different processes), only the flowers are used in the extraction and the flowers have to be picked at night when the perfume is most intense. Substituting ylang ylang will give almost the same effect in recipes and blends. The exotic, sensual and relaxing perfume blends well with most other oils especially rose and citrus oils. It is one of the most important oils in high - class perfumery work. Uses Softens and smoothes dry irritated skin. It balances the production of sebum making it useful for most skin types. Eases dermatitis. It is said to encourage a glorious head of hair when used in shampoos and hair tonics. It strengthens and tones the uterus particularly after childbirth relieves and relieves cramps and muscular spasms of the uterus during painful periods. Jasmine can be used to great effect when the heart is beating rapidly and there is breathlessness due shock and anxiety. It will also help to reduce high blood pressure. This beautiful oil uplifting and transforming, it will raise and lighten the listless spirit. The scent of jasmine is best known for its ability to stimulate our responses to create and increase sexual desire. It is one of the most important oils for helping to ease depression. Caution Jasmine oil should not to be used during pregnancy until labour has started. Overuse can cause headaches and/or nausea and may not be suitable for the very young. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia syns. L. officinalis, L. spica, L. vera) The essential oil, with its 'balancing' qualities, is steam distilled from the flowering tops and aromatic leaves. Lavender has been used for thousands of years and today has to be the most loved and used essential oil and is probably the one with the widest and most impressive list of applications. If you can only afford one oil, choose lavender, it is safe, versatile and gentle and may be used undiluted over small areas. The perfume is comfortingly familiar, fresh, clean, floral and soft, it blends well with most other oils. Uses One of the most valuable oils for skincare and skin conditions as it stimulates the growth of new cells, kills bacteria, is antibiotic, antiviral, prevents scarring and eases pain. Use to treat abscesses, acne, allergies, athlete's foot, boils, bruises, inflammations, dermatitis, eczema, insect bites, stings and repellent, psoriasis, scabies, sunburn, burns and scalds (minor), sores, spots, ringworm and wounds. Include in deodorants as it reduces body odour. Lavender lowers blood pressure, increases energy, quickens the function of glands and strengthens the bodily systems. It eases problems with the digestive, respiratory and urinary systems, relieves cramps and spasms in the intestines and uterus and stimulates bile production. It will help to expel gas from the intestines and encourage and regulate menstrual flow. The antiseptic, antiviral and antibiotic properties combined with the ability to loosen and expel mucus make it an ideal oil to use as an inhalation and chest rub for bronchitis, coughs, colds, laryngitis, mucus and throat infections. Renowned for its effective relief of the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, lumbago, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, sciatica and muscular pain arising from tension. The best way of utilizing lavender oil for these problems is in a synergistic massage or bath blend with other oils where it will strengthen their properties. Beautiful lavender is the great leveller. It can create calm and order from mental chaos to harmonize and balance every aspect of our bodies and minds. It reduces stress and calms the nervous system, lifts depression and eases headaches and insomnia. Caution Avoid lavender oil for the first four months of pregnancy and longer if there is a history of miscarriage. Lemon (Citrus limon) Lemons are an amazing and versatile fruit with a deliciously clean, sharp, fresh fragrance that blends well with benzoin, chamomile, eucalyptus, frankincense, grapefruit, lavender, orange, rosemary, sandalwood and ylang ylang. The essential oil is expressed from the rind of the lemon. Lemon oil is used widely by the food and perfume industry. Uses Lemon oil smoothes skin and contracts and tones tissue, it can be used to treat oily, dull skin by its mild bleaching action. It can be used successfully to remove warts. Soothes and prevents infection when used on insect bites and stings and helps to stop external bleeding such as that from nose bleeds, wounds and after tooth extraction. It stimulates the production of white corpuscles. This property combined with its antibacterial and fever lowering action makes it an extremely valuable oil in the treatment of sore throats, bronchitis, coughs, throat infections, colds and influenza. One drop of oil is said to purify one glass of water but I hesitate to recommend this if you are travelling in Third World countries! Lemon oil clears the mind of sluggishness and apathy. Brightens the outlook leaving the mind alert and clear. Caution Lemon essential oil is phototoxic, so do not use on skin exposed to sunlight. It may irritate sensitive skin. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) The leaves are tough and virtually inedible. However it is from these leaves with their strong fresh lemony fragrance when crushed or bruised that the essential oil is distilled. Lemongrass oil blends well with cedarwood, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli, palmarosa, rosemary and tea tree. Uses A refreshing, cleansing and stimulating tonic to the skin. A good oil to include in blends to treat athlete's foot (or any condition caused by fungus) where the deodorant and antifungal properties are of help. Use also in deodorants. A good insect repellent, it protects animals and humans from fleas, lice and ticks. Added to shampoos it gives shine to the hair. Lemongrass kills bacteria, fungal infections and also has very powerful antiseptic and tonic properties. Lemongrass helps to ease depression, reduces stress and calms the nervous system. It lifts and revives the spirits when they flag from nervous exhaustion. Caution Lemongrass essential oil may irritate sensitive skin. Use 3 drops only in a bath and use no more that 1% in blends. Not suitable for babies or toddlers.


芳香疗法 - 藉由沉浸在精油的芳香之中


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  发帖心情 Post By:2003-6-9 22:14:48 [只看该作者]




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