中国整体芳香疗法论坛== 神秘的芳香疗法 - 自然魔法学苑 == 探索芳香疗法的世界 → 发烧的芳疗应用 (没有翻译)


主题:发烧的芳疗应用 (没有翻译)

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发烧的芳疗应用 (没有翻译)  发帖心情 Post By:2003-4-30 14:21:03 [显示全部帖子]

Fever A raise in body temperature above the normal, i.e. above an oral temperature of 98.6F (37C) or a rectal temperature of 99F (37.2C). Fever is generally accompanied by shivering, headache, nausea, constipation or diarrhoea. A rise in temperature above 105F (40.5C) may cause dilirium and, in young children convulsions too. Fevers are usually caused by bacterial or viral infections and can accompany any infectious illness from the common cold to maleria. An intermittent fever is a periodic rise and fall in body temperature, often returning to normal during the day and reaching its peak at night, as in maleria. A remittent fever is one in which the body temperature fluctuates but does not return to normal.


芳香疗法 - 藉由沉浸在精油的芳香之中

