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主题:Essential Oil Applications

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Essential Oil Applications  发帖心情 Post By:2006-7-3 17:36:28 [只看该作者]

Applications Massage: Mix approximately 7?5 drops of essential oil with 1 tablespoon of NSP Massage Oil and apply amount desired for massage. Diffusion: Place 10?5 drops of undiluted essential oil in diffuser. Cooling: Add 1 tablespoon NSP Aloe Vera Gel to 7?5 drops of a "cooling" essential oil like lavender. Mix well. Compress: Add 4 ?6 drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot or cold water. Soak small towel and squeeze out excess water. Apply to affected area Bath: Draw bath, then add 10 drops of essential oil. Agitate water in a figure-eight motion. If desired, add 1 teaspoon Nature's Sunshine Concentrate as water is running. Soak for 15 minutes. Try a sitz bath with just enough water to cover lower body and add 5 drops of essential oil. Shower: Put 1? drops of essential oil on a washcloth and rub body with it while showering. Inhalation: Place 6? drops of essential oil in a bowl of hot water. Place a towel over your head, lean over bowl and inhale for five minutes. Be careful not to let essential oil irritate eyes. You may also inhale oils directly from the bottle. Vaporization: Add 10?0 drops of undiluted essential oil to the water unit of a vaporizer or humidifier. Gargles and mouthwashes: Add 3 drops of essential oil to 1 teaspoon of water, mix and gargle. Hot tub: Add 10 drops of essential oil to water. Household: Add a few drops of essential oil to a dishwasher or washing machine to promote hygiene and aroma freshness. For general household use, add 10 drops to a bucket of warm water. If desired, add Nature's Sunshine Concentrate. Dilutions Undiluted lavender oil and tea tree oil may be applied directly to skin, but we recommend diluting all other essential oils, including NSP's synergistic pre-blended oils. This is especially important for first-time users, children and those with sensitive skin. NSP Massage Oil has been designed as the perfect aromatherapy carrier and massage oil. It is a blend of unscented apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, hazel nut oil, borage oil, vitamin E and grapefruit seed extract. Simply mix any essential oil with NSP Massage Oil. Adjust dilution according to the type of essential oil used, response desired or skin reaction experienced. NSP's Aloe Vera Gel is another excellent carrier for your selected essential oils. Mix one ounce of NSP Aloe Vera Gel with your essential oils or blends and apply to the body. Try massaging this blend into the reflex points of your feet. We recommend testing essential oils by applying a small amount of diluted essential oil to a selected skin area. If irritation or burning occur, dilute the area with more NSP Massage Oil and discontinue use.
