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--  作者:raybit
--  发布时间:2006-2-25 11:13:34
--  <b>[征集翻译] 薰衣草在芳香疗法中的应用</b>

Aromatherapy - Lavender Essential Oil

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---- 英文源文 来源:英文精油书

About Lavender

Lavender is the most popular essential oil in aromatherapy; this is probably due to the fact that it is the most versatile of all essential oils as it can be used for a large variety of ailments ranging from insect repellent to sedative.

Lavender has been used for its healing properties throughout many centuries through the form of dried flowers and essential oils and has retained its popularity from ancient civilizations and still maintains its popularity in today’s society.

Uses of Lavender

Lavender has many healing aspects which include being an antiseptic and antibiotic, Lavender also has antiviral properties; Lavender also has the ability to relieve pain such as muscular pain.

Lavender can also be used to kill bacteria, to ease cough’s, to stimulate the flow of bile and for cell regeneration; it is also good for treating fungal infections, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the body’s reaction to infection, strengthening the nervous system, as a sedative, as a tonic and can also be used to heal wounds.

Lavender has also been known to help in infancy problems such as colic and other childhood infections; remembering the fact that essential oils should always be well diluted. For example one drop of lavender essential oil mixed with a little sweet almond oil mixed into a baby’s bath can help to aid sleep.

Psychologically lavender can also be an effective treatment and can help such emotional states such as manic depression by massaging either side of the spine.

Lavender can also be used to reduce high blood pressure due to its sedative abilities. It as also been said to help through menstrual pain through the use of a hot compress or by massaging gently into the lower abdomen.

Lavender can also provide help for such symptoms as arthritis, rheumatism and many more such ailments due to lavenders effectiveness in relieving pain locally. These symptoms are best treated through massage.

Suggested Uses of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is probably best used in the form of a massage oil (normally a massage oil will be one or two essential oils mixed with a base oil E.G. lavender essential oil mixed with sweet almond base oil). For greater effect add another essential oil such as rosemary, juniper or marjoram to your massage oil blend.

Lavender can be a useful treatment for many types of headaches by either massaging directly into the temples or by using a cold compress with lavender placed either on the forehead or on the back of the neck.

Lavender can also be used mixed in your bath to relieve muscular pains after exercising.

Lavender can be used in the treatment of flu, coughs, sinus problems and colds; one of the best forms of treatments is through steam inhalation. Mix lavender essential oil in a bowl of hot water and then inhale the vapors, to fight off bacteria.

Lavender also has properties of a sedative so using it last thing at night it can aid sleep. Using a small amount of lavender and massaging it into your throat it can also help to relieve coughs.

Creams and lotions can also be made using lavender in small concentrations of around one to two percent, lavender based creams are good for the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema.

A mix of lavender essential oil with grape seed base oil applied to the skin can act as a repellent of mosquitoes, midges and other insects. Yet if you still do get bitten you can apply a small amount of neat lavender essential oil to the bite to ease the sting and to stop the spread of any irritation or any infection from entering the wound.

--  作者:samview
--  发布时间:2006-2-27 15:38:01


About Lavender

Lavender is the most popular essential oil in aromatherapy; this is probably due to the fact that it is the most versatile of all essential oils as it can be used for a large variety of ailments ranging from insect repellent to sedative.

Lavender has been used for its healing properties throughout many centuries through the form of dried flowers and essential oils and has retained its popularity from ancient civilizations and still maintains its popularity in today’s society.

Uses of Lavender

Lavender has many healing aspects which include being an antiseptic and antibiotic, Lavender also has antiviral properties; Lavender also has the ability to relieve pain such as muscular pain.

Lavender can also be used to kill bacteria, to ease cough’s, to stimulate the flow of bile and for cell regeneration; it is also good for treating fungal infections, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the body’s reaction to infection, strengthening the nervous system, as a sedative, as a tonic and can also be used to heal wounds.

Lavender has also been known to help in infancy problems such as colic and other childhood infections; remembering the fact that essential oils should always be well diluted. For example one drop of lavender essential oil mixed with a little sweet almond oil mixed into a baby’s bath can help to aid sleep.

Psychologically lavender can also be an effective treatment and can help such emotional states such as manic depression by massaging either side of the spine.

Lavender can also be used to reduce high blood pressure due to its sedative abilities. It as also been said to help through menstrual pain through the use of a hot compress or by massaging gently into the lower abdomen.

Lavender can also provide help for such symptoms as arthritis, rheumatism and many more such ailments due to lavenders effectiveness in relieving pain locally. These symptoms are best treated through massage.

Suggested Uses of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is probably best used in the form of a massage oil (normally a massage oil will be one or two essential oils mixed with a base oil E.G. lavender essential oil mixed with sweet almond base oil). For greater effect add another essential oil such as rosemary, juniper or marjoram to your massage oil blend.

Lavender can be a useful treatment for many types of headaches by either massaging directly into the temples or by using a cold compress with lavender placed either on the forehead or on the back of the neck.

Lavender can also be used mixed in your bath to relieve muscular pains after exercising.

Lavender can be used in the treatment of flu, coughs, sinus problems and colds; one of the best forms of treatments is through steam inhalation. Mix lavender essential oil in a bowl of hot water and then inhale the vapors, to fight off bacteria.

Lavender also has properties of a sedative so using it last thing at night it can aid sleep. Using a small amount of lavender and massaging it into your throat it can also help to relieve coughs.

Creams and lotions can also be made using lavender in small concentrations of around one to two percent, lavender based creams are good for the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema.

A mix of lavender essential oil with grape seed base oil applied to the skin can act as a repellent of mosquitoes, midges and other insects. Yet if you still do get bitten you can apply a small amount of neat lavender essential oil to the bite to ease the sting and to stop the spread of any irritation or any infection from entering the wound.

--  作者:samview
--  发布时间:2006-2-27 15:39:23


--  作者:raybit
--  发布时间:2006-2-27 16:42:03

感谢 samview 会员,奖励积分:100 分,请注意查收


--  作者:samview
--  发布时间:2006-2-28 8:30:09